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June 15, 2023

IDS #155 - BONUS - HBO, What Were You Thinking?

IDS #155 - BONUS - HBO, What Were You Thinking?

In this exclusive mini-episode, Mike & Darin don't hold back as they discuss their genuine thoughts on HBO's name change to MAX. Seriously, what were they thinking? 🤦‍♂️


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Mike: [00:00:00] This is, uh, AER beds at night. Ooh, this is on, this is the Cinemax version. It's too hot for tv. Why the **** did HBO make themselves max? I don't know.

Darin: That's what the hell. That's ridiculous. Hbo, are we recording? Yeah, we're recording. Okay. Yeah, hbo,

Mike: it's been an American standard

Darin: for, for 40 years. Yeah. Yeah.

They were like the first They out the, out the gun or out the shoot. And, uh, they were the first, the home box office, and it made sense. The premier source for cable television. Yeah. And you could watch Star Wars, dude, if you, you could watch boxing. You could watch, uh, standup comedy specialists.

 When H B

Mike: O, when you were kid.

When we were kids. Mm-hmm. If, if you had hbo Yeah. You were like Rich. Yeah. You were like, you were like, man,

Darin: I got hbo. I remember my grandfather had HBO and oh [00:01:00] my God, we'd love going to Indiana. We get to watch hbo, FRA Rock. I wonder what's gonna be on HBO this week.

Mike: Yeah, they have brain games. Yeah. Uh, all, all the Indiana Jones was on there like every other minute.

The Goonies,

Darin: Ghostbusters. Spent the week with, with them one summer, and I think I watched vacation eight times on hbo.

Mike: The first R-rated movies that I ever watched mm-hmm. Were back to back feature on hbo. Yeah. Uh, the thing. Mm-hmm. And what was the, oh, uh, first blood. Yeah. Yeah.

Darin: But it was, you know, it's amazing.

Did you ever watch the, they would, they would build that brand. Yeah. And for, so,

Mike: and they had the theme, the, do you remember the theme song with, and they had that making of how we did this. Yeah. There's,

Darin: there's a documentary about, it spent like, like three weeks or something to make that George Lucas on it before they even had special effects.

Yeah. And they. Miniatures

Mike: and then, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And then so you had hbo and then you, there was like a weird kid at school, like, we have [00:02:00] Cinemax, whatever. Yeah. Pervert and you get to see the boobs. But other than that, we could still see 'em, just, they're

Darin: scrambled. But it was forever, before Showtime, uh, started going toe to toe with him.

Oh yeah.

Mike: Showtime said, let's see, let's see the whole, hold my beer,

Darin: hold my beer, hold my beer Going in sometimes came in and he said, hold my beer. And it took them forever. Yeah. It was the Coke and Pepsi. Yeah. Yeah. Of, of, yeah. That's another thing. And then Showtime started getting neck and neck. And then HBO jumped in with the original series H, HBO and show like,

Mike: and then they'd started getting, yeah.

Yeah. HBO had the thing that Kleenex and Coke like, you know how like if you ever need a tissue, you say, gimme a Kleenex. Yes. Or gimme something. Or gimme a Coke. Yes. HBO had these, like you got hbo. The question is, do you have movies at home? Yeah. Do,

Darin: yeah. Do you have hbo? Oh, we have Showtime. Oh yeah. Okay.

Well, okay. Yeah. Yes. Weirdo. Yeah.

Mike: Yes. And then they had that, they've been going forever. And then, and then it's like, Max, the fuck are we

Darin: doing? Yeah. Let's take, let's take off the most important part of our brand. Hey, what happened? [00:03:00] Yeah. It's stupid. It is stupid. And, and what do I know? Right? It's like I, I guess I work in television, but nobody called and asked me.

I am. I said, that's the dumbest thing. It's the dumbest thing I've

Mike: ever heard. I'm an idiot. Uhhuh. I'm a moron. Yeah. One of my favorite shows of all time is The Sopranos. Another one of my favorite shows of all time is Six Feet Under. Yes. Another favorite show is Curb Your Enthusiasm, sex of hbo. H. Hbo. Hbo.

Hbo. Yeah. I don't think of Max. I think of hbo. Yeah. I've got the DVDs. For Sopranos here in the house. They don't say Max. They say, they say

Darin: h. Hbo.

Mike: Yeah. The, the, the static.

Darin: It makes you feel good, max. Come on sucking. You know,

Mike: how can a brand in five minutes or less? I cannot

Darin: believe they did it. Who then H B o, what? They bought Sesame Street. Really? Yeah. Whoa. He's like,

Mike: well, yeah, that's what I said about they bought, uh, the South Park. All the South parks are [00:04:00] on HBO too.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Darin: Max

Mike: Cinemax never had anything but boobs. No. Yeah. That was it. That's the only reason HBO does, but there's boobs here. Exactly. And then HBO said, well, we got boobs too. Yeah. Just not as many. You guys need to calm down over there. Game of Thrones. Hold on. Sin Max was the one that the creepy people had.

Exactly. Like, oh, let's go over there. Like skin ax. HBO would have, oh, we got Raiders of the Lost Arc. Mm-hmm. And then, uh, skinna Max would have, we've got. I don't, I, I don't whatever razor of the lost pork.

Darin: Well,

Mike: okay. Hbo, yeah. HBO would have, uh, star Wars, Uhhuh, and then Cinemax would've Star Wars. They would've your warrior of the future. And you all over the place crawl. Yeah. No, it's, it's The crawl was on hbo. Yeah. Uh, um, yeah.

Darin: Crawl. No, [00:05:00] it is, it is crazy. It's so stupid. And then after, you know, Netflix came out.

Yeah. So Netflix jumped out and just came out swinging. Netflix said, here we go. Exactly. So Netflix was the first company to, you know, uh, they put Blockbuster video out of business and then they started with the original series and everybody else was trying to catch up. Yeah. And you were the first person who said, oh my God, H B o Max.

Is like neck and neck content wise. Yeah. With uh, Netflix. And I said, what? Shut up the stuff on there. Yeah. So I went and, well, I got it because of the, uh, um, the thing, the the rest, the last of us.

Mike: The rest of us. Oh, oh yeah. The rest of us. The rest, the last of us, the last rest of us. That's the sequel cause up

Darin: next year.

Yeah. And then I realized, I'm like, man, H b O Max is pretty good. They've got a lot

Mike: of stuff. They've got a lot of stuff. I don't like. I didn't like that Max was on there. I didn't like that. I


Darin: like it. But they had all the DC movies. Oh, that, yeah. So [00:06:00] that, that was direct competition with Marvel, Disney On Disney Plus.

Yeah. Then

Mike: they had a ton. They were ready to drop. Drop. They were just like, come on, let's bring it, bring it, bring it. Exactly. And then some coked up executive. At HBO said, let's call ourselves Max cuz it's maximum. Fuck you. Yeah. Did did the, did the classics, did the classics not mean anything to people anymore?

I don't

Darin: know. HBO is a household name. Yes. It is. I mean, I, I am just legitimately

Mike: upset about this. You, you had this on the rundown one of the weeks and I wasn't, I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to, yeah. Cause it, it hurt me. Yeah. I

Darin: was upset. Let's say there's a new company called Blue Thunder. Yeah. And Hez merged with Blue Thunder and it would be Heinz Blue.

Okay. And for 40 years it's Heinz Blue. And they'd say, well, let's just make it blue and we're gonna drop Heinz. Yeah. No, the premier name in ketchup. Yeah.

Mike: No. Or if Disney just changed himself to, that's [00:07:00] Waltz.

Darin: Come to Waltz. If Disney just changed it to plus. Yeah. Disney plus, and then, you know, we're just gonna be plus, just a plus sign.

That's all we're gonna do. We're gonna drop Disney after almost a hundred years of establishing Disney. You know, we, I, if you're, if you work for hbo, I hope you're listening to this. I, you have made what a major

Mike: mistake. Stage the hell were you.

Darin: This is gonna come back and bite you in the ass. Toby,

Mike: you could've brought back Frale Rock, but instead you decided to just get all over your own brand.

Yeah. That's the decision you made. Yeah. Fraggle Rock or your brand. They chose to on their brand and wipe their ass with a Fraggle. Yeah. Or a Doozer or small. Definitely did.

Darin: Doser. Doser could still stuck up there. Hey, I got a dozer up my butt.